30 abril 2013

Nos vamos de Glamping!

Lo habéis leído bien, he dicho de "Glamping". Si no habeis oído esta palabra todavía, os estáis perdiendo una de los últimos fenómenos en el mundo de los viajes, el "camping glamuroso". El "glamping" combina la experiencia del camping con el lujo de un hotel. Hay un montón de paginas web que se dedican a proporcionar experiencias de Glamping por todo el mundo. Incluso hay algunas que te cuentan las diferencias opciones de alojamiento como estas:

¿No os acaba de convenver el plan? Pues os dejo con algunas imágenes de "glamping" que quizás os harán cambiar de opinión:

¿Quien se va de Glamping este verano? Esto si que son unas vacaciones beautiful...
From NYC,

1 comentario:

  1. By the breakup of the feudal system in Europe in the late 1400s, the vast fireplace in the central hall of Northern European houses began to evolve. The Italian Renaissance took hold across Europe and interior design became more elaborate. Fireplaces of the wealthy were often combinations of intricately carved woodwork and marble Newport Cigarettes Website. Flues and mantels became more efficient at capturing smoke and generating heat.

    By the 17th and 18th centuries, fireplace surrounds and fireplace mantels became a fine art--thanks to artisans like woodcarver Grinling Gibbons and ironworker Jean Tijou Cheap Cigarettes. They became recognized as a central element of interior design. In the American colonies building was at first simpler. For the wealthy along the East Coast, paneled rooms and pedimented mantels and overmantels were common by the end of the 18th century.


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